
Years Experience
Clients helped
What do Our Counselors Specialize in?
Central Mass Counseling & Wellness has experience in all forms of wellness treatments. If you find yourself asking what we are best at or how to pinpoint an issue that you are having, check out our list of specialty services below.
Anxiety Disorders
Mood Disorders
Addiction/Substance Abuse

Looking for Additional Counseling?
Our licensed counselors are there for you when you need them most. See some more areas that we focus on with our clients in need.
- Domestic Violence
- Trauma Reaction
- Social Skills/Relationship Issues
- School Refusal
- Family Conflict or Stress
- Parenting Concerns
- Veterans/Military Service
- Elders/Aging
Trained Counseling Specialist in Central Mass
If you are looking for the best therapy and counseling services near you, you’ve come to the right place. Scroll to see all of the areas that our counselors have been trained in.